“Pictures to capture memories & motions to relive emotions“
Eny Thérèse
Pre-Wedding, Wedding, and Holiday Photographer in Paris
Hi, I am Eny Thérèse
Bagi saya, fotografi adalah keinginan untuk menangkap perasaan seseorang dan menghentikannya dalam waktu sehingga dapat di ingat untuk sepanjang masa.
Dan Paris, Kota-Cinta memberikan pemandangan yang melipat-gandakan perasaan romatis ini.
Saya suka membawa orang jalan2 ke spot yang paling menarik di kota ini, dan membiarkan Paris melakukan keajaibannya, sehingga saya cuma tinggal menangkap momen-momentnya. Saat orang merasa nyaman dan menikmati sesi fotonya seperti menikmati jalan-jalannya, mereka akan bisa mengexpresikan diri mereka yang terbaik secara natural.
Tidak ada yang lebih indah daripada pengabadian perasaan yang tulus yang terbekukan dalam waktu.
I cover Paris and Versailles, and all nearby towns and castles.
I’m Indonesian, living in Paris for more than 20 years. I speak Indonesian, English and French.
If you need a photographer let me know.
WhatsApp : +33 (6) 66 49 70 52
email : enytherese@gmail.com
Instagram : enytheresephotography

Sesi pemesanan

Paris Holiday Photoshoot
For holiday photoshoot session in Paris, it’s very easy:
Or read more to learn about what you will get in a photoshoot, that’s why I think it’s important to have a photographer in Paris, and why you must choose the right one!
Find out about my pricelist, reservation policies, deliveries & more.

Where do you want to go?
Another good way to proceed is to pick from the favorite spots in Paris.
There are more than Eiffel-tower, in fact all paris is beautiful, and that’s a problem! You must choose!
Let’s go with InMyCar
If you want to cover more locations, more conveniently, I propose InMyCar package.
We can cover more places in short time, you can change outfit on the way, it’s safer to leave belongings, and no worries whether it rains or snows.
Read more about InMyCar routes, reservation & more.

Pre-Wedding Photoshoot
Pre-Wedding photography needs special attention to details, a lot more preparations, the right equipments and certainly more time and attention to discuss with you to get it right : which locations, what time of the day, which pictures / poses do you like. Paris is a beautiful city, and there are so many other spots to get the special frame.

Wedding Photo & Video
Karena hari pernikahan anda itu penting!
Karena segala sesuatunya akan berjalan sangat cepat di hari itu,
Because you need photographer’s eye to capture things as it’s happening,
sehingga nantinya anda bisa menghidupkan kembali moment itu kembali!