Up the hill of sacre-coeur & back to the carousel down the hill…
About Montmartre
Montmartre is a quaint old town on the tallest hill within the city of Paris. It is therefore so protected from the traffic, and modernity. You’ll get the feeling like going back in time and discover Parisian life way back then. There are many cafés and restaurants and art-galeries and souvenir shops over there. Not a long ago there were still painters who offered to paint or draw silhouette on Place de Tertre, before it now becomes open-air café and restaurants. Sometimes during summer you can still see artists do their stuff around that place.
Sacrecoeur is the basilica on the top of the hill. From there you can see the whole Paris as you are higher than the top of Eiffel tower.

Meet me at the red-dot (In front of the Carousel) at the foot of Montmartre. We’ll walk up the hill until the Sacrecoeur Basilica to take pictures on the plateau in front of the church. The view is breath-taking, from there you can see the whole paris, and even from one corner you can see the eiffel tower below you.
Then we’ll take a little bit of the time to see the village behind and take a different route to go down again through that long stairways along the cable-car.

The view from the edge. On a nice day sometimes you can see parisians take their time to enjoy the sun and read and talks and just watch people pass.

Meeting point!
Meet me in front of the carousel, under the Sacrecoeur.
Nearest metro is Anvers or Abbesses.
I pick this easily identifiable spot for you so we don’t miss the rendez-vous.
Pick a date!
Which photo-session is really up to you.
To take nice pictures takes time, to enjoy the walk, and appreciate the surroundings. And it is your holiday in Paris. You’ve come all the way here, so might as well enjoy the photo session and the scenery.
And moreover, a photographer always take you to the best spots.
So here are some suggestions from previous sessions around this place :
- 1h30 should be enough for most people, we’ll be able to cover the garden, stairways, in front of the basilica, and a little bit of the village area.
- 2 hours should give us more time to cover the cafes, shops and nice spots in the village are. (If you’d like to stay longer, get the other longer session around Montmartre, I’ll show you more of the back alleys.